roundness never seems so perfect as that of the belly of a third-trimester, first-time pregnant woman. cami may not appreciate those words as she carries the weight of this unborn daughter for a few more weeks, but she certainly can appreciate the beauty seen here – as i wrote her, she is deeply beautiful in this moment. matt by her side adds more love and more depth. it is an interesting intimacy in photographing the bareness of a woman’s abdomen full of baby. it is a privilege. every so often i see a growth-spurt in my work and this is one of them. i am so thankful to and for you both and for this opportunity.
to sandee and mark larkin, thank you for a space of perfect light. my right hand girl and daughter, isabel, was brilliant at bouncing this light for me!! sandee, next time, i do the physical stuff before the shoot. i will bring the muffins and you just sit, talk to me and have some of that awesome almond iced tea ready:) i have a hankerin’!! thank you for making this afternoon portion of the shoot private, comfortable and most successful.
the second half of the shoot was held in the evening when temperatures reached a decent 97 degrees. we were on the private property of friends. thank you kim and larry fuller for a picturesque ending… the last image is for you! and a hearty thanks to cyndi fuller for assisting me with the balloon drop. your enthusiasm gave energy to the weary at the end of a long day!
larry, closing up camp and leading the ladies home.